A Moment to Shine!

I am grateful to have the opportunity to give others the change to show off their art, photo, or other creative avenues. Keep sending them in and brag about yourself being published. Send in as often as you like. Be sure to share with your friends.

Also check out the Story Garden and feel free to email me a book you would enjoy having in the garden. If you are interested in reading for the Story Garden drop me a line.

Thank you all who participated this month. Enjoy the ‘Being Thankful’ pictures from various parts of the world.

For next month… send in your favorite ‘Awesome Autumn‘ shine!

*I’m happy for you to share my posts, but please ensure that you credit me as your source. Thank you.

Learn more about what I am up to with my children’s books and illustrations by signing up for my monthly newsletter by filling the form on my homepage.

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