Quitling is like writing a story

While we are all supporting the medical services and the vunerble by staying indoors and isolated, there isn’t a better time to try a new craft!

How about storytelling, or quilt making, or both! 😉 

Lay out the jelly rolls

ie the story outline


Sew the strips and cut the squares rearrange the squares


Write the story and then start editing

Stitch up

Sew your squares together

ie polish the story

Celebrating family

My great-niece celebrated her birthday with her family. I was lucky enough to be in town for the family celebration. She could have anything, but all she wanted was my new book, Harry the Camel. How lucky am I to have a niece who wants to read my books!

We also went shopping for her dress as she is the flower girl at my youngest daughter’s wedding. We found the perfect dress. My great-niece looks like a little princess.


The pictures being sent in are wonderful. Keep them coming. If you missed last month’s Shine, catch up now…

Fun with Words

Fun with words is just around the corner. Make sure you check it out. I have added a word search.


Make sure you save some of my pins to your boards – see my board here: Pinterest channel

Until next month, remember ‘Embrace Imagination!’

*I’m happy for you to share my posts, but please ensure that you credit me as your source. Thank you.

Learn more about what I am up to with my children’s books and illustrations by signing up for my monthly newsletter by filling the form on my homepage.

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