Highlighting people in the past and present in all the amazing ways they embraced imagination: acting, singing, storytelling and writing

One common thread is The Power of words: The more we understand and build our vocabulary, the more fun we can have with expressing ourselves in song, stories, acting and poetry.

  1. Elin Fflur is from Wales. Elin is a singer-songwriter. In 2002 she won the Cân i Gymru contest. WATCH
  2. Katherine Jenkins (b. 1980) is from South Wales. Katherine Jenkins is a classical cross over singer. WATCH
  3. Benedict Gimonnet An nspirational french artist. Learn more
  1. Michael S. Hopkins (b. 1968) An American aastronaut. Hopkins was selected to be on the first mission to the International Space Station on the Space X crew.  A Colonel in the USAF.
  2. Cary Fowler (b. 1940) Cary is an American agriculturalist. Fowler helped with the  Svalbard Global seed vault located in Svalbard, Norway. The vault “the conservation and availability of crop diversity for food security worldwide.”
  3. Steve Wonder (b. 1950) An American Singer and songwriter. Stevie Wonder is considered a child prodigy. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered: The Soulful Journey of Stevie Wonder by Mark Ribowsky (Author)


A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but has a different spelling and meaning.

1. Grown > Groan
He has grown so much over the summer.
Please do not let out a groan when I tell you something you do not want to hear.

2. Throne > Thrown
The king’s throne has the jewels rubies and diamonds around the crest.
She was thrown from the horse.

3. Hail > Haul
The hail storm was horrible.
Can you haul off the trash by Tuesday?


An Antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word.

1. Fade > Brighten
We watched the car fade from view.
The software was able to brighten the picture.

2. Generous > Stingy
They  were very stingy with their money for the homeless.
They  were very generous with their money for the homeless.

3. Dangerous > Safe
It is very dangerous to go into the cave.
It is very safe to go into the cave.

4. Early > Late
We are early for the performance.
We are late for the performance.


A Synonym is a word or phrase that means close to or exactly the same as another word.

1. Occur > Happen
The meeting did occur.
The meeting did happen.

2. Assist > Help
Can you please assist me?
Can you please help me?

3. Happy > Delighted
I am happy for your success.
I am delighted for you.

Until the next Fun with Words…

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