It’s a Hot Summer and Sizzling Productivity!

It is a sweltering summer in the States. The heat would get me down, but having my new children’s book “Boomer and the Curious Bunny” now available on Kindle and hard and soft copies! You can purchase the book at the following locations. CLICK HERE

Boomer The Curious Bunny

The book had only been out five days, and I was surprised to receive my first review. I am proud to announce I received a Five Star review with “Readers Favorites!” Enjoy reading the review!

The Relatable Voice Magazine

I am proud to have a new article, Curiosity Sparks Creativity, published in the July issue of ‘Relatable Voice Magazine.’ The magazine is free! Click here to read the article!


My husband and I loaded up the car, including our dog Remi and headed to the Midwest for a vacation. The newsletter highlights a picture of the farmland in IOWA. I wanted to share a little insight into our summertime, and the seven states we took in was a beautiful drive. I was thankful to the hardworking farmers and ranchers for the working day and night heat and snow to provide the grower stores with food for us. John and I also visited family and friends in various states. We also did some genealogy work, and it was inspiring to find one of my great-great-great grandpa’s resting place on my dad’s mom’s side. It turned out he was the first veterinarian and farmer in a small town in Kansas. He made it to the history books, which helped locate the family. has helped me with my genealogy work for years.

The Piece Quilters

These amazing women quilt in the basement of a church, so they named their group “The Piece Quilters” since they were in the house of worship; quite clever. Plus, it fits with their mission; they raise funds for needy people. They also make quilts as a gift for each first responder in their community a quilt. If someone needs a warm blanket, they respond to those in need. It was a blessing to meet these women, and of course, I had to purchase some quilts. They are in Dow City, Iowa, if you want to buy a quilt from them.

The International Humanity Day

I was invited to participate in the International Humanity Day. It was the first I heard of it, and it pleased me to no end to meet online so many people working hard to share their God-given talents and love with the world. You can join them on Facebook and hear messages from lovely people worldwide. CLICK HERE

Happy Birthday

I am blessed with three wonderful children, and I would like to take this opportunity to wish one of my grown children a happy birthday!

Diann Floyd

I hope you all have blessed day!

Till next time – Embrace Imagination!

    * I’m happy for you to share my posts, but please ensure that you credit me as your source. Thank you.

    Learn more about what I am up to with my children’s books and illustrations by signing up for my monthly newsletter by filling the form on my homepage.  

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