Special January!

Why is January an important month for the Floyd Family. Well, my parents had three sons born over time, so I have three younger brothers, all born in January.

Mike is the closest in age, and he became my playmate. We have some fun memories and are still making more. My baby brothers were my live dolls. I carried them everywhere. Now they are taller than me. 

January has also become significant because my mom was called HOME— January 21st, to be exact. I know I should be happy, but I can not help but miss someone I loved with all my heart. 

Mom always had wind chimes in our childhood home and on her porch in her home in Kingwood. I have them now. They are right outside the bedroom patio. When they blow, I think mom is telling me she is nearby. 

Join A Song of Peace Movement 

I am excited to bring the story of Tommy’s wish alive and have people from around the world say the word PEACE over and over for 50 Seconds and post on Instagram and other social media.

If we all wish for Peace, maybe just maybe for a moment, we can have Peace for everyone. Watch the video to learn how!

Getting organised!

January is a time to start fresh and figure out ways to become more organized. With the help of author, podcaster, listening expert D. Scott Smith, I ordered his 2022 Calendar and loved it so much I wanted to share the info with you. I like many features about it, but my favorite is the goal tracking for each day. At the end of the month, you can record your achievements. If you are interested in learning more, reach out to D. Scott Smith through his podcast and store.

Story Garden

The Story Garden is back and will go full force in January. If you are an author or suggest an author to read a book, let me know. All children authors are welcome to read their children’s stories of peace, hope, and kindness.

Children’s Diabetes is a disease I hope we can find a cure for one day. My hat is off to Christine O’ Conner, who is helping to make a difference.

The Story Garden


The pictures being sent in are wonderful. Keep them coming. If you missed last month’s Shine, catch up now…


Make sure you save some of my pins to your boards – see my board here: Pinterest channel


I enjoy posting on Instagram, and I hope you enjoy and share the posts with your social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Well, I hope you are having a great start to your year.

Till next time!

*I’m happy for you to share my posts, but please ensure that you credit me as your source. Thank you.

Learn more about what I am up to with my children’s books and illustrations by signing up for my monthly newsletter by filling the form on my homepage.

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