Strive for a better you!

Swami Ada Shiva Tirtha, D. Sc shared with Dr. Jacalyn™ on how to be sure the good angels are guiding you. Just say to yourself, “if you are not from God, go away, and they must leave, and they do.” May sure to subscribe to Dr. Jacalyn™. Better You show and enjoy the variety of guests and their suggestions for a “Better You!”

Katherine Lousie Boehm, the illustrator for the Moonling Adventures the Serengeti, is also a professor at Scad University in Atlanta, Georgia. Check out other talents, especially her music
visit Pickle Process.

The saying “March comes in like a Lion,” and for sure it did in Texas. For the first time in many years, we had light snow. I remember a freeze in the ’90s, but I had not seen snow since I was in 4th grade. Now up in the northern part of Texas, they had inches and inches of snow enough for my nieces and nephews to build a snowman. See Shine the fun pictures that were sent in.

It was a delight to teach a session for the South Cast Senior College. The women learned about the importance of reading to their family members no matter what age. I also gave them tips for changing the voices to make the characters come alive. We discussed various streaming companies and YouTube. I gave suggestions on what to do if a family member is not in the mood for a book, then have fun see about creating a story together. I look forward to hearing about their successes with their new family adventures.

Radio program

As I said in the newsletter, the radio disc jockey said “Go“ and off I went telling one story after another about my brothers and all the different things we did. I would look up at my mom as I spoke, and she mouth to keep talking. So I did. Finally, he said stop and asked me if I had fun talking, and of course, I said yes. Then we waited as listeners called in to say who they thought was the most interesting talker. The next thing I knew, I was back on the show because I won! I received an album of great events in America. I remember this well because the man told me to keep telling stories, and of course, I did. It was a powerful moment. These few minutes in my life were powerful because there was a radioman telling me I won, and he opened my mind to believe in myself, and I had good stories to tell. He gave me the tools to believe in myself and imagine what I can do and be. So embrace imagination and believe you can be whatever you want to be.


May March bring you Joy!


The pictures being sent in are wonderful. Keep them coming. If you missed last month’s Shine, catch up now…

Fun with Words

Fun with words is just around the corner. Make sure you check it out. I have added a word search.


Make sure you save some of my pins to your boards – see my board here: Pinterest channel

Until next month, remember ‘Embrace Imagination!’

*I’m happy for you to share my posts, but please ensure that you credit me as your source. Thank you.

Learn more about what I am up to with my children’s books and illustrations by signing up for my monthly newsletter by filling the form on my homepage.

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