Are you ready to ‘Embrace Imagination’ in 2021!

It is a new year time to make this one the best year yet. I am happy to bounce any ideas you have and inspire you to go for your dreams. Just email me. You are supporting me the least I can do is support you!

Kroger™ Grocery Author

Kroger™ Grocery Author signing day! It was great fun to sign books for Kroger™ customers during the holidays. All the books were popular with many customers purchasing the set! The Little Girl in the Moon – the Big Idea was the most popular out of all my books for the holidays! It will be fun to see which books are popular as I move around to the various stores in Texas and Louisiana.

Moonling Adventures

Serengeti introduces the Little boy in the moon! He and his best the friend the little girl in the moon go to the moonling observatory and take a simulated trip to the Serengeti. It is based on my trip to the Serengeti. This is the 2nd book working with my daughter, Katherine Boehm who illustrated the book. You will find the illustrations fun as well as the new Moonling vocabulary being introduced and much more suprises. You can order it on Amazon and B4R stores. 

B4R Award!

It is exciting to discover one of my books made the bestseller list at the B4R stores. B4R supports Indie authors and sees to it that you the buyer receives a great price for the book, as well as support authors. A win – win. Please check out the wide variety of books and genres they have.

2021 Wealth of Health

I am passionate about how children’s books are for adults, too. I was able to share with Dr. Jacalyn™ and her listeners to ring in the new year. As you know, I write children’s books that inspire kids to love one another and others. To be kind, to love themselves, and inspire faith, hope, joy, and peace. As adults, we need to be reminded to love ourselves and children’s books to refresh our attitude towards ourselves and keep love in our hearts.  I hope you will visit Dr. Jacalyn’s™ website and hear a recording of the 2021 Wealth of Health and be inspired by her other guests who ranged from topics, nutrition, substance abuse, business, dating! Be sure to check out her website for upcoming speakers. She is one person to have at the top of your podcast list. 

January 13 Make Your Dreams Come True day

The day to stop dreaming and begin to make your dreams come true. Would love to hear the first thing to do to make your dreams come true! 


The pictures being sent in are wonderful. Keep them coming. If you missed last month’s Shine, catch up now…

Fun with Words

Fun with words is just around the corner. Make sure you check it out. I have added a word search.


Make sure you save some of my pins to your boards – see my board here: Pinterest channel

Until next month, remember ‘Embrace Imagination!’

*I’m happy for you to share my posts, but please ensure that you credit me as your source. Thank you.

Learn more about what I am up to with my children’s books and illustrations by signing up for my monthly newsletter by filling the form on my homepage.

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