Autumn Travels

My husband and I have been traveling from Texas to parts of the east coast. We have seen so many beautiful places and learned so much. I wish I could share everything with you. I feel blessed to be able to see all this beauty. I dreamed of traveling as a young girl, and how lucky I am, it is happening. Image: highlights from our drive up!


November 26 this year is Thanksgiving in America. It is time for families to gather, enjoy a meal with family favorites. Usually, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, nieces, and nephews all join in with the immediate family. In our family, we remind ourselves of loved ones and share great new recipes to pass on to the little ones of today. This year many families will have to cancel or scale down their celebrations, but hopefully that sacrifice will help keep everyone safe so that next year there will be a full house! I hope you celebrate a day to give thanks in your country; it is a fun family time filled with many blessings. Make sure to check out Shine and see pictures sent in of things people are thankful for.

Washington Monument

My husband and I had a of the Appalachian Trail. Monument was a had no idea it was the honor of George the trail we were on was foliage. They had signs something interesting Enjoy a few of the fun time being on this part Seeing the Washington special surprise as we first one ever built in Washington. The section of beautiful with its fall along the way to learn about days-gone-by. pictures! Western Maryland has many hiking trails suitable for all skill levels. Check out Gambrill State Park and Cunningham Falls State Park for some examples.

Sandy Spring Farm

I had a fun time picking the lettuce and dinner and walking through the and okra fields. Tom shared what all goes into an was a huge learning curve for me and appreciated. I encourage you to visit near you and discover what all it takes to produce the food we enjoy from our local farmers. Check out mason bees, some of which are nestled in their cocoons on Sandy Springs Farm ready to come out and pollinate the crops in spring.


I am also busy working with the publisher and illustrator for the release of a new book. I cannot wait to tell you all about it. Be watching for a reveal and much more!

Remember to check out SHINE and become a part of SHINE! Everyone deserves to SHINE!


The pictures being sent in are wonderful. Keep them coming. If you missed last month’s Shine, catch up now…

Fun with Words

Fun with words is just around the corner. Make sure you check it out. I have added a word search.


Make sure you save some of my pins to your boards – see my board here: Pinterest channel

Until next month, remember ‘Embrace Imagination!’

*I’m happy for you to share my posts, but please ensure that you credit me as your source. Thank you.

Learn more about what I am up to with my children’s books and illustrations by signing up for my monthly newsletter by filling the form on my homepage.

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