Award winning month…

It took many years and lots of writing stories before I was ever published.

When I held my first published book with my name on it, I remember just looking at it, thinking this is real. Wow! It was a surreal moment. It reminded me how my grandma and parents said: “Never give up.” They were so right.

Fast forward, my husband and I had been living overseas for some time, Dubai, to be exact. I knew we would eventually be returning home to Texas, and I wanted to write something that took place in Dubai as a way to say thank you. It probably sounds silly, but it is true.

Eventually, the inspiration came, and I wrote my 4th published book, Harry the Camel. I also had the story translated into Arabic.

One afternoon my husband came into the house with the mail and handed me a package from the Author’s Marketing Guild. I could not believe I won my first author’s award. I did not even know I was in the running for my story Harry the Camel. I am humbled and grateful to the Author’s Marketing Guild for recognizing my work. Wow! What a proud moment.

Thank you!

AMG Indie Book Awards
AMG Indie Book Awards


The virus around the world has kept us in our homes for many months. My wedding anniversary is June 2nd, and Texas was slowly opening back up. My husband and I  decided to go to Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas, and enjoy walking the seawall. I love watching the waves roll in.

The sound of the wave, memories of my childhood ,I find inspirational. I hope you enjoy the picture, and it inspires you as well.

Explore Galveston

The Story Garden

The Story Garden is in full swing, and I am enjoying reading stories for various ages.

I especially enjoy having guests from various parts of the world sharing their love for reading how it inspired them to be the person they are today from being an author to an actress, like Jill O Patrick and Emma Quintin.

Make sure to check each one out.

I have some great guests lined up for the rest of the summer. So be sure to visit the Story Garden and share it with your friends. Be sure to subscribe to the Story Garden.

Wild Willie’ Book Review!

Another exciting day filled with the surprise that my books reached a young reviewer on  Youtube called Wild Willie’ Book Reviews . He gave the Little Girl in the Moon series positive reviews! Now when a young reader gives you a thumb up, it is a vast Wow moment.

Please check out Wild Willies youtube channel. I will be interviewing him in a few weeks and will have even more to share with you about this young man and his youtube channel. So stay tuned.


The pictures being sent in are wonderful. Keep them coming. If you missed last month’s Shine, catch up now…

Fun with Words

Fun with words is just around the corner. Make sure you check it out. I have added a word search.


Make sure you save some of my pins to your boards – see my board here: Pinterest channel

Until next month, remember ‘Embrace Imagination!’

*I’m happy for you to share my posts, but please ensure that you credit me as your source. Thank you.

Learn more about what I am up to with my children’s books and illustrations by signing up for my monthly newsletter by filling the form on my homepage.

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