Highlighting people in the past and present in all the amazing ways they embraced imagination: acting, singing, storytelling and writing

One common thread is The Power of words: The more we understand and build our vocabulary, the more fun we can have with expressing ourselves in song, stories, acting and poetry.



  1. Dr. Antonio Salviati (1816 – 1890) Venetia, Austrian Empire [now in Italy]—Vicenza, Salviati was a lawyer who became interested in glass work. Learn more
  2. Fran Anton Ketterer (1676–1749 Franz is remembered as one of the earliest  Black Forest  cuckoo clock makers in Germany. Learn more
  3. Katherine Louise Boehm (b.1988) Educator, Illustrator, Songwriter, Instrumentalist, Technology Director, Actress, singer LISTEN
  4. Reid Umstattd Song Writer, Singer from Austin Texas Learn more



  1. Victor Victor Davis Hanson 1953 –  American Miltary Historian WATCH
  2. Douglass Mac Arthur – 1880 – 1964 American General of the Army Learn more
  3. Queen Boadicca (30 AD – 61 AD) Queen of the British Celtic Iceni tribe.
  4. Admiral Grace Hooper (1906 – 1992) She was the first female restricted line officer to reach flag rank
  5. Book: Queen of the computer code.



A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but has a different spelling and meaning.

1. Base > Bass
That is the base of the table.
He sings bass.

2. Cent > Scent
It is one cent.
What a beautiful scent.

3. Flew > Flu
The bird flew away.
I have the flu.

4. Made > Maid
I made the dress.
I am a maid.


An Antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word.

1. Calm > Excited
She is very calm.
She is very excited.

2. Catch > Miss
You have to catch the ball.
You are not suppose to miss the mark.

3. Closed > Open
Please close the door for me.
Please open the door for me.


A Synonym is a word or phrase that means close to or exactly the same as another word.

1. Afraid > Scared
I am afraid for him.
I am scared for him.

2. Child > Kid
He is only a child.
He is only a kid.

3. End > Finish
She is almost at the end of the line.
She is almost at the finish line.

4. Error > Mistake
This is a huge error.
This is a huge mistake.

Until the next Fun with Words…

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