Highlighting people in the past and present in all the amazing ways they embraced imagination: acting, singing, storytelling and writing

One common thread is The Power of words: The more we understand and build our vocabulary, the more fun we can have with expressing ourselves in song, stories, acting and poetry.
  1. Liv Mari Schei: 1982 Norway Singer, Songwriter: WATCH
  2. Beatrice Egli (born 21 June 1988 in Pfäffikon, Switzerland) is a Swiss female singer: LEARN MORE and WATCH
  3. Danna Williams: LEARN MORE and WATCH
  1. Luisa Tetrazzini: known as the queen of staccato: WATCH Book: My Life of Song (Classic Reprint)
  2. May 1930 A musician, singer, songwriter, and recording producer Book: Signed, Sealed, and Delivered: The Soulful Journey of Stevie Wonder by Mark Ribowsky (Author)


A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but has a different spelling and meaning. 1. Hymn > Him I likes inging that hymn. Please tell him I understand. 2. Male > Mail He is a very handsome male. Has the mail come yet? 3. Tale > Tail My dog’s long tail knocked over the vase. He told a huge tale. 4. We’d > Weed We’d like to come too! I pulled up the one weed in the garden.


An Antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. 1. Dark > Bright The room was very dark. The room was very bright. 2. Forgive > Blame I forgive you for everything that happened. I blame you for everything that happened. 3. Giant > Tiny It is one giant pumpkin. It is one tiny pumpkin. 4. Like > Dislike I like oranges. I dislike oranges.


A Synonym is a word or phrase that means close to or exactly the same as another word. 1. Occur > Happen The meeting did occur. The meeting did happen. 2. Assist > Help Can you please assist me? Can you please help me? 3. Happy > Delighted I am happy for your success. I am delighted for you. 4. Delicious > Savory The steak was delicious. The steak was savory.
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Until the next Fun with Words…

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